COVID-19 Latest update

ICN is working with Australian governments at all levels in response to COVID-19. We recognise importance of having a strong supply chain, now more than ever to ensure that the community continues to receive key services and products. Find out more

Gateway Page | Northern Territory Opportunities

COVID-19 is already damaging our economy and now more than ever it is crucial to support local industry. We can start by promoting available business opportunities. The Industry Capability Network (ICN) Northern Territory in support of initiatives by the Northern Territory Government and other industry bodies, has established a portal to assist local businesses to … Continued

COVID-19 Response

Last Sunday was a significant day for Australia, with the Prime Minister announcing new shut downs in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19. We recognise the impact that this has not only on ICN as a Network but also for many Australian small businesses. ICN is working with Australian governments at various levels … Continued

Gateway by ICN

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Phone +61 2 6285 2033 (outside Australia)
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