Dame Phyllis Frost Centre 106 Bed & Supporting Infrastructure Expansion

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The Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (DPFC) provides maximum and medium-security specialist accommodation for remanded and sentenced women prisoners. As one of Victoria’s two women-only prisons, it plays a critical role in Victoria’s corrections system.

The current accommodation facilities include cellular accommodation units (each with self-contained ablutions), a number of self-contained cottage units and several units housing prisoners designed for a range of operational needs including mental health, management, remand, protected prisoners and a specialised mother/child unit.

The proposed works can be separated into two aspects, the western expansion which is external to the facility and works within the current perimeter.

The proposed western expansion comprises of:

106 cellular beds

  • Dawson Building (DA – 66 bed Reception Unit)
  • Avon Building (AN – 20 bed Management Unit)
  • Gordon Building (AS – 20 bed Management Unit)

Supporting infrastructure

  • Reception Building (RB)
  • Multi-Purpose Recreation (MP)
  • Prime barrier wall & fencing

The proposed works within the existing perimeter are:

  • Demolish a number of existing infrastructure
  • Canteen (CT)
  • Main Kitchen (KI)
  • New landscaping and fencing

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